Latin America Accreditation



Orlando Hernández, Director of ISTEC – QualityCoach ™
Ramón Blasco , President ASIBEI
Zenaida Otero Gephardt , Leader Accreditation in LACCEI
Moderator : Amparo Díaz Camacho , ACOFI



  • To reflect on the different accreditation processes in Latin America , with a critical look at its impact in the quality of training of our engineers.
  • Recognize BBB as a top innovation in engineering education in the Latin American context
  • Knowing IFEES member bodies , the Latin American working order these issues.


10:00 – 10:15 Welcoming


10:15 – 11:45 Presentations ASIBEI , ISTEC , LACCEI

Each entity present in 30 minutes, an exhibition in which a brief description of the entity (first 10 minutes) and exposure (20 minutes) about the initiatives and actions have developed credentialing activities and an introduction to innovation of this process in the Latin American context .


11:45 – 12:45 Panel ” Accreditation in Latin America”

Proposal of questions:

  • What strategies should be considered for the Latin American context to ensure the quality of engineering education in the long run ?
  • Is it possible to establish general quality standards for engineering programs must be in Latin America or countries?
  • How do you consider to be innovation in accreditation ?

12:45 – 13:00 Conclusions


Organisational aspects

Date and Time : Tuesday September 24 , 10:00 – 13:00 pm

Language: Spanish

  • For submissions requested the participants to respect the schedule and when using a presentation, ensure that this takes up to 15 slides.
  • For the Panel , the idea is to have an open dialogue with the audience , looking not become ” mini-conferences ” , but is a space for reflection in which is discussed the theme. At this stage there will be presentations.
  • The panel questions are only a guide . They can be adjusted, changed and ask new questions .
  • The moderator is responsible for keeping alive the dialogue between the panelists and the audience.

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