COMPETENCES TO DEFINE COMPETENCES for INNOVATION. Models and tools to generate Innovation

WORKSHOP objectives

Innovate or not to innovate, that is the question. Without innovation, there is no future. But… to innovate, engineers need specific skills that enable them to make the necessary changes and adaptations in products, processes and/or services. Which are these COMPETENCES? Which competences help them to INNOVATE? Innovation but … where, when and why? In addition, once identified and defined, how do we develop these competences in our engineers? In this workshop, the main objective is the development of skills to define competencies among the participants, to define competencies to develop innovation, to acquire competences to define competences. In recent years, we have assisted with declining interest to the majority of the conferences in which we have spoken about competences development. Decreasing due to we always see different classifications and taxonomies more or less successful, more or less holistic or more or less fortunate. In addition, when we finish these conferences, we always wonder the same thing … so what? What serves to us classify something if we do not how to define it in detail? How the competences are defined, and more important, how we transmit competences? Excess of analysis brings us to paralysis. Something obvious in the Anglosaxon culture is difficult to find in the Latinamerican or Asian countries. Yet, the Bologna declaration, the “Washington accord”… all speak of the need to organize the programs by competences and not by curricula definitions, organize education for undergraduate, graduate and continuing using competence definitions.

With this workshop, COMPETENCES TO DEFINE COMPETENCES for INNOVATION we want to share a simple methodology that enable participants to identify competences for innovation, define competences for a specific purpose and identify the activities needed to transmit these competences. The workshop is organized with very specific objectives: to identify skills that allow you to introduce innovation, learn how to define a competence and learn how to design the activities that enable them to acquire the skills and knowledge associated with a level competence. We will talk about planning and learning, not about evaluation. This workshop aims to share tools for defining competencies and tools for defining activities considering the engineers learning styles.


Competences, Innovation, Learning Styles, Learning levels, Innovation in Engineering, Excellence and quality, Lifelong Learning, Value Chain, Offered LLL, Distance Learning, Production, Delivery, Low Cost


Patricio Montesinos

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