LACCEI Par Amigo Workshop on The ABC’s of Accreditation


Speaker: Zenaida Otero Gephardt, PhD, LACCEI Vice President of Accreditation, USA

Simultaneous Translation Spanish <-> English: María M. Larrondo Petrie, PhD, LACCEI Executive Director, USA

LACCEI (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions) is a non-profit network of 160+ universities interested in collaborating with Latin American and Caribbean Engineering Institutions.  The  Par Amigo (Peer Mentor) Initiative, developed by LACCEI at the request of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Engineering for the Americas on Engineering (EftA), is a vehicle to assist engineering programs in understanding the culture of accreditation, the selection of an accreditation agency, the preparation for accreditation, completion of self-study and preparation for the accreditation site visit. The initiative provides training workshops and links engineering programs and colleagues with accreditation expertise (par amigo or peer mentor) who can speak their language and understand their culture and assist them in selecting an accrediting agency and successfully complete the accreditation process.  This workshop covers all of the basic elements of the accreditation process.  It includes interactive, hands-on exercises and activities allowing participants to become familiar with the accreditation process and techniques.  Assessment vehicles, self-study content, course portfolios and the responsibilities of programs and institutions will be discussed in detail.


  • Accreditation fundamentals
  • Accreditation systems and cultural aspects of accreditation
  • Competencies and responsibilities of Pares Amigos
  • Self-study Fundamentals
  • Communication with Accrediting Agencies and the Evaluation Visit

Who should attend

  • Faculty and Administrators whose engineering programs are considering accreditation or are undergoing the accreditation process
  • Individuals interested in participating in the LACCEI Par Amigo Initiative
  • Anyone interested in accreditation as a means of continuous improvement

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