Below are support letters from some organizations that shall assist the set up and accomplishment of WEEF Cartagena 2013.



National Ministry of Education

Communication from the National Minister of Education of Colombia, María Fernanda Campo.

Support letter from Ministry of National Education

Ministry of Information Technology and Communications

Communication from the Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of Colombia, Diego Molano Vega.

Support letter from Ministry of Information Technology and Communications


Communication from the President of Proexport, María Claudia Lacotoure P. Proexport is the official entity in charge of promoting non-tradidional exportations, foreign direct investment and international tourism.

Support letter from Proexport


Mayor Office of Cartagena de Indias

Communication from Mr. Mayor of Cartagena de Indias (E), Bruce Mac Master Rojas.

Support letter from Mayor Office of Cartagena

Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena

Communication from Executive President of the Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena, Alfonso Díaz Gutiérrez de Piñerez.

Support letter from Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena

Cartagena de Indias Convention & Visitors Bureau

Communication from Executive Director of Cartagena de Indias Convention & Visitors Bureau,Francisco Vergara Piñeres.

Support letter from Cartagena de Indias Convention & Visitors Bureau

Tourism Corporation of Cartagena de Indias

Communication from the President-Executive of Tourism Corporation of Cartagena de Indias,Zully Salazar Fuentes.

Support letter from Tourism Corporation of Cartagena de Indias


Ibero-American Association of Institutions of Engineering Education ASIBEI

Communication from the Executive Secretary of ASIBEI, Jaime Salazar Contreras.

Support letter from ASIBEI

Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions LACCEI

Communication from Executive Director of LACCEI, Maria Larrondo-Petrie, PhD.

Support letter from de LACCEI

International Society for Engineering Education IGIP

Communication from the President of the International Society for Engineering Education,Michael E. Auer.

Support letter from International Society for Engineering Education

Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortium ISTEC

Communication from the President of ISTEC, Dulce García.

Support letter from ISTEC

Network of Engineering Faculties of Jesuit Universities of Latin America

Communication from Mr. Coordinator of the Network of Engineering Faculties of Jesuit Universities of Latin America , José Ochoa Iturbe.

Support letter from Network of the Engineering Faculties of Jesuit Universities of Latin America


Communication from President of SPEED, David A. Delaine.

Support letter from SPEED


IEEE Colombia Section

Communication from Mr. Coordinator of Student Activities for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE, John Jairo Ávila Arias.

Support letter from IEEE Colombia

IIE Student Branch at Universidad Javeriana

Communication from the President of the Institute of Industrial Engineers IIE Student Branch at Universidad Javeriana, Cristian David Reina Segura.

Support letter from IIE Student Branch at Universidad Javeriana

ACM Student Chapter at Universidad Javeriana

Communication from the Association of Computer Machinery ACM Student Chapter Sponsor at Universidad Javeriana, Fabio Avellaneda-Pachón, MSc.

Support letter from ACM Student Chapter at Universidad Javeriana